[Avodah] Heter Mechira
T613K at aol.com
T613K at aol.com
Thu Sep 11 21:10:55 PDT 2008
redirected from Areivim:
>>Wholesale Chametz selling to the non-Jew is completely different than the
HM, in an elementary way. If the gentile would follow through on the
purchase from Osem and Elite, buying out their stock, they would be
overjoyed. If the Arab followed through on the purchase of millions of
dunams of EY, there would be war.<<
1) there's a machloket (Rambam vs. the Geonim) if the yovel
is included in the first shmitta or not
2) there's a machloket between Rashi and the Rambam on the date
of the Churban from which date we count the shmitta
So for starters there's even a safek if the shmitta today is actually
the correct date.
3) Rav Pessach Zvi Frank in the HAR ZVI YD 123 ruled that there is no
problem of
the prohibition of *lo techanem* [selling land in Israel to gentiles]
especially if they are Muslims. [According to the Kesef Mishneh regarding
living in Israel, today we *do* accept ger toshav].
4) DAAT YACHID: first of all it's *not* a "daat yachid" [single solitary
opinion] that shmitta today is not even d'rabbanan but a "midat chasidut".
Those that rule this way include the RAZAH (the Baal HaMaor !), the Baal
HaIttur [half of Yoreh Deah is based on his piskei halacha. Check the
Beer Heitev and the BACH for sources], the Raavad in his Hassagot on the
RIF in Gittin; the Meiri, the SMA (Meirat Einayim), and the Perisha.
[The RAN calls them [above] "yesh chachamim"; the Rema talks about "yesh
omrim"]. And one of those that considered shmitta today as not even
d'rabban was the BEHAG (R. Shimon Kayara, 8th Cent. CE) who was *only*
one of the early Geonim.
The only reason why Shmitta today is considered D'Rabbanan is a Ta'ut Sofer
in ONE (out of 4 manuscripts of a Rambam with a word in the wrong order)
5) KINYAN L'NOCHRI: [having the gentile take ownership of the property]:
The Sefer haTeruma permits and thus the kedusha of the land is removed.
[See the sugya in Gittin 47 where in Mitzvot d'rabbanan there *is* kinyan
l'nochri [Israel being in the category of Syria]. The Sefer Hilchot Eretz
Yisrael (attributed to the Baal haTurim) specifically permits "kinyan
6) LAND REGISTRY [tabu]: look at what the Chazon Ish writes in Hilchot
Maasrot (Siman 10) ! [selling land to gentiles in Israel is *tofes*
[valid] even if the transaction was NOT registered in the land's registry]
And for the past 21years, the heter mechira of the rabbanut does include
an indication "He'arat azhara" in the Land Registry.
Since many Acharonim hold that corporations have a special halachic
status, [
A corporate entity (vs. single person) even if partly
by Jews may have a different law (see: Shaagat Aryeh 89-90;
Lecha Shlomo 238)]
my suggestion would be that instead of the Rabbanut selling to
an Arab (one person), they sell or LEASE the agricultural land to a foreign
owned corporation.
The sale would be bona fide, legally valid, and avoid the problem of LO
TECHANEM. [They would
actually be able to float "junk bonds" or "penny stocks" to pay for the full
Isn't it impressive how many halachic sources I can quote? And isn't it
amazing that I've turned around and endorsed the heter mechira after being
dubious about it in the past?
Actually, of course, I didn't write the above post. It was written by an
Areivim lurker. I am merely acting as his amanuensis.
--Toby Katz
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