[Avodah] heter mechira

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 12:52:11 PDT 2008

<<Isn't it impressive how many halachic sources I can  quote?  And isn't it
amazing that I've turned around and endorsed the heter  mechira after being
dubious about it in the past?

Actually, of course, I didn't write the above post.  It was written by  an
Areivim lurker.  I am merely acting as his amanuensis.>>

For those poor of us who live in EY and have forgotten their English
what is "amanuensis" ?

The  point is that heter mechira has been argued for and against in
many places both in halachic seforim and also in more general publications.
This includes both halachic and haskafic disagreements.

All those discussing the issue should acquaint themselves with the
published stuff (for example as Toby has brought)

Eli Turkel

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