[Avodah] zeicher/zecher

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Fri Jun 8 09:11:47 PDT 2007

reuven koss wrote:
>  >
>> reuven koss wrote:
>>>> It's older than the MB.  Lubavitchers say both, and even have a specific
>>>> minhag as to the order (in Ki Teitzei zeicher is first, in Beshalach
>>>> zecher is first), and they're unlikely to have got the minhag from the 
>>>> MB.

> there is no zecher in Beshalach on which there is a machlokes how it
> is read.

Sure there is.  It's the same word in both places, so why should there
be a safek in one and not the other? 

> Regarding the Gra in M"R, Rav Chaim Volozhner is a daas yachid that the Gra 
> read it with a tzere- most talmidim of the Gra say that he read it with a 
> segol.

I'm not sure what this whole thing has to do with the GRA.  I'm
fairly confident that it didn't originate with him.  That there's
a machlokes in what he did, which side of the safek he came down on,
is one thing, but the safek itself, and the custom of some people
to say both, is surely older.   I doubt that L would have a minhag
based on a machlokes between talmidei haGRA about how he lained.

Zev Sero               Something has gone seriously awry with this Court's
zev at sero.name          interpretation of the Constitution.
                       	                          - Clarence Thomas

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