[Avodah] zeicher/zecher

Arie Folger afolger at aishdas.org
Sat Jun 9 14:47:24 PDT 2007

Reb Rueven Kos wrote:
> Regarding the Gra in M"R, Rav Chaim Volozhner is a daas yachid that the Gra
> read it with a tzere- most talmidim of the Gra say that he read it with a
> segol.

Could you please provide references? AFAIK (based on a conversation with Rav 
Mordechai Breuer zal), there were only two players in this disagreement. 
However, the MR was one of those talmidim that moved to Israel, and so the 
Perushim followed the MR. For RMBreuer, the Perushim were the only ones 
justified in following the MR.

Arie Folger

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