[Avodah] zeicher/zecher

reuven koss kmr5 at zahav.net.il
Fri Jun 8 05:36:31 PDT 2007

> reuven koss wrote:
>>> It's older than the MB.  Lubavitchers say both, and even have a specific
>>> minhag as to the order (in Ki Teitzei zeicher is first, in Beshalach
>>> zecher is first), and they're unlikely to have got the minhag from the 
>>> MB.
>>> -- 
>>> Zev Sero
>> There is no "zecher" in parshas amalek in beshalach.
> Yes, there is.  "Ki macho emcheh et zecher amalek mitachat hashamayim."
 Sorry- that was meant to have read there is no zecher in Beshalach on which 
there is a machlokes how it is read.

Regarding the Gra in M"R, Rav Chaim Volozhner is a daas yachid that the Gra 
read it with a tzere- most talmidim of the Gra say that he read it with a 

good shabbos

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