[Avodah] Ahavat Yisrael

Samuel Svarc ssvarc at yeshivanet.com
Thu May 10 07:25:18 PDT 2007

>From: "Shoshana L. Boublil" <toramada at bezeqint.net>
>Subject: [Avodah] Ahavat Yisrael

Now, that's a better subject line.

>Source: BeAhava U'VeEmuna, chapter 14 "Ahavat Yisrael".
>(thanks to Dov Goldstein, who produced the Rav Kook writings CD).
>> I am arguing that the post-Enlightenment reality has made such
>> judgments impossible. And therefore while there ideas out there that I
>> hate, I feel only pain for those who are doing them. I would not take
>> RtSLB's position that there is no such chiyuv.
>Actually, Rav Kook quotes the Chafetz Chaim in his book "Ahavat Chesed".
>The Chafetz Chaim quotes Rabbi Yehonatan Vohliner: The Din that it is
>allowed or a Mitzva to hate people that don't follow the straight path, is
>only after you reproved (Hochichuhu), but it is forbidden to hate him
>all the options have been tried.

This next piece is not in Ahavas Chessed and must be R' Kook. If one looks
at Ahavas Chessed Chelek 1, Chapter 3, one will clearly see that the Chofetz
Chaim concludes the exact opposite.

>And, as the Tana'im have already
>us "Temeihani Im Yesh BaDor HaZeh SheYode'ah LeHochi'ach" (Arachin 16b)
>Mimeila, it is forbidden (!!!!-SLB) to hate anyone.

This is a fine 'd'rash', but it's not the halacha. For one, the redactors of
the Gemara - who lived after "Temeihani..." - saw fit to include Pesachim
113b without any qualification at all, thus showing that they held of it
l'halacha. Second of all, the Rishonim 'al h'daf' - Rashi and Tosfos - don't
qualify the statement or bring any Gemara to contradict, something Tosfos
does when they feel the Gemara is not l'halacha. Third of all, this din -
the Gemara in Pesachim 113b - has been brought down l'halacha throughout
sifrei halacha.

>Rav Kook continues that nowadays, we are not supposed to use the
>educational tools of Sin'a at all!

If R' Kook was referring to an educational setting - children, or a yeshiva
- who argues? You've misunderstood, everyone who is talking about hating
reshoim are referring to just that: Reshoim. 


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