[Avodah] Peanuts and other Kitnios

Ari Zivotofsky zivotoa at mail.biu.ac.il
Sun Apr 29 08:33:43 PDT 2007

any word from cousin at Opa's Yahrzeit siyum if the kuntres is available?

Danny Schoemann wrote:

>As noted by some posters, I did not translate Sharvit when discussing
>the criteria for Kitnios.
>This is because I have no idea what it means - and I don't seem to be
>the only one.
>I see no correlation between: beans, barley, peanuts, mustard and canola
>Beans grow in a long pod - many to each pod on bushes or vines
>Barley grows on a stalk - each kernel in it's own bran, in  2, 3 or 6
>rows per stalk.
>Peanut pods (as R' Dov Bloom pointed out) grow underground in bean-like fashion
>Mustard grows in flowers with seeds about 1 mm in diameter
>Canola seems to look like mustard, but the seeds aren't as tiny, I think.
>I'll discuss this with my cousin at Opa's Yahrzeit siyum on Thursday
>night, and also find out how people can get hold of his Kuntras (as
>many list members have asked.)
>- Danny
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