[Avodah] When do the malachim come

Arie Folger afolger at aishdas.org
Wed Apr 25 02:35:52 PDT 2007

RMB wrote:
> The only thing I would add is that since the Mequballei Tzedas often
> said Qabbalas Shabbos in the woods, which door would they face then?

The notion that the mequbalim would go to the woods seems to be an urban 
legend. When I visited Tzefat two years ago I found out that apparently, the 
field that the Ari would go to was a plot of land - within the city walls 
IIRC - that had been purchased to build a synagogue, but no funds had been 
available for the actual building project.

I would appreciate confirmation/contradiction of this comment.

Also, I doubt the interpretation of Lekhah Dodi as being about the bond of the 
Shekkhinah with the neshamah yeteirah (unless I don't understand the latter). 
AFAIK, the kallah is the Shekhinah and the Dod the sefirah of Tiferet. The 
whole ritual is about bringing about a zivug, as can be attested by the 
content of Kegavna, an excerpt of the Zohar, which Nussach Sefard included in 
Qabbalat Shabbat. More details on zivugim can be gleaned from Shut Rav 
Pe'alim part I, O"C 1.

Kol tuv,
Arie Folger

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