[Avodah] shemitta

Samuel Groner samgroner at gmail.com
Mon May 21 14:10:31 PDT 2007

I wouldn't know where to begin arguing with someone who believes that
"someone who is not very very confident that his mitsvos outweigh his
averiros should definitely avoid being in EY."  My view is that even
if we cannot all live in Israel for practical reasons, it is certainly
the ideal that we all strive to live in Israel if possible.
Admittedly, as RAYW notes, I have not tried to rebut any of RAYW's
proofs.  I wonder though whether any posek actually rules in line with
RAYW's way of thinking, in advising people not to move to Israel if
they have more aveiros than mitzvos and in advising people to try to
avoid buying Israeli produce.  Poskim I'm aware of would differ with
RAYW on both counts.

Sammy Groner

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