[Avodah] Torah Study vs. other contributions to soCIETY

Samuel Svarc ssvarc at yeshivanet.com
Wed May 16 19:59:46 PDT 2007

>From: "Micha Berger" <micha at aishdas.org>
>Subject: Re: [Avodah] Torah Study vs. other contributions to soCIETY
>: That wasn't the source quoted for this discussion. The source was the
>: Gemara in Megillah which states that Talmud Torah is indeed greater
>: than Hatzalas Nefashos as a choice of prioritization. This is what
>: the Chafetz Chaim was talking about.
>The gemara, Megillah 16b, was discussed back in v13n43. See RAM's post
>at <http://www.aishdas.org/avodah/vol13/v13n043.shtml#03> and
>responses. I was running with a different one raised later. But the
>gemara in question is about Mordechai giving up kavod haTorah for
>hatzalas nefashos. Which he held was the right choice. Nor did they
>tell him it was the wrong choice. Just the one that left him lesser
>(in the relevant way).

I urge all those following this thread to look at the older Avodah posts, if
only to see, IMHO, the lack of relevance.

The Gemara clearly, unequivocally, black and white says: "Gadol TT yoser
m'hatzolas n'foshas". It is impossible to that the Gemora means this in an
actual case, i.e. if someone sees, whilst learning, his neighbor drowning,
he shouldn't rescue him, as this is clearly refuted by:

1. Clear halacha that decides otherwise,
2. Tosfos would comment on it, and
3. In the shaklah v'taryah of the Gemora this doesn't make sense.

We are left with the incontrovertible conclusion that the Gemora was
referring to realm of worth, not action. If someone has the chance to do
either, i.e. should he train to be in position to save lives, a future PN,
which should he choose. And to this question the Gemora is clear: "Gadol TT
yoser m'hatzolas n'foshas".

Questions on *how* the Gemora came to this conclusion, based on analysis of
the pesukim, doesn't change the fact that the Gemora *does* come to this

Now, to offer a possible answer to some of the questions raised. The Gemora
starts with "miktzas" of the chachomim distancing themselves from Mordechai,
indicating that this was a minority opinion. The Gemora then goes on to say
that everybody agrees that Mordechai went down in the ranking. Meaning, the
majority of the chachomim, who didn't distance themselves from Mordechai,
ranked him lower due to his, unavoidable, involvement with hatzolas


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