[Avodah] Yeshiva is a Mikva to a Ben or Bat Niddah

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Mon May 14 07:30:53 PDT 2007


>>I realize this is just R' Yisrael Salanter's rationalism  talking, but
leshitaso, are a spiritual pegam and a character defect  different things?<<

Tir'u baTov!

I believe they are two different things, but a spiritual pegam can manifest  
itself in this world in a tendency to have certain character flaws.
The most striking example of the difference between a spiritual mum (which  
of course we in our physical lives cannot really grasp) and character is the  
case of a mamzer who becomes a talmid chacham.  He can be a godol  baTorah 
despite his spiritual "birth defect" but the blemish of mamzerus still  doesn't go 
away -- he is still "defective" for marriage.  (BTW can a  mamzer get an 
aliyah?  Just wondering.)


--Toby  Katz

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