[Avodah] Rabbi Isak Unna of Mannheim (was Re: Rav Unno)

SBA areivim at sba2.com
Mon May 14 07:02:38 PDT 2007

From: "Shoshana L. Boublil" <>

> From: "Meir Shinnar" <>
> Issur of kol isha only applies to the problem of saying davar
> shebikdusha in its presence (tshuva of Rav Unno, the Rav of
> Mannheim before the war, justifiying having choruses of girls
> sing - arguing that this was ikkar hadin
> Am I the only person here who has never heard of him before?

Try googling for Rabbi Isak Unna of Mannheim.

Thanks. Did it - and here is the result of my 'research':

Leo Baeck Institute:   Publications:
UNNA, ISAK: For the Sake of Unity and Uniqueness; the Life,
Work and Teaching of Rabbi Isak Unna.

///So who are the publishers??

>>The Leo Baeck Institute is devoted to studying the history of
>>German-speaking Jewry from its origins to its tragic destruction by the
>>Nazis and to preserving its culture. ....organization and welfare,
>>commerce, industry and politics, the arts and sciences, and in literature,
>>philosophy and theology. To appreciate the impact of German-speaking Jewry
>>in modern times, one need only recall such names as Martin Buber, Albert
>>Einstein, Franz Kafka, and Karl Marx.
Founded in 1955, the LBI was named for the rabbi who was the leader of
German Jewry during its darkest years. Rabbi Baeck, who survived the
concentration camp of Theresienstadt, became the first international
president of the institute.   http://www.lbi.org/about.html

///So who is Baeck?

>From Wikipedia, Leo Baeck was an 20th century German-Polish-Jewish Rabbi,
scholar, and a leader of Progressive Judaism.
Baeck was born in Lissa ...and began his education near Breslau at the
Conservative Jewish Theological Seminary ..studied philosophy in Berlin with
Wilhelm Dilthey, served as a rabbi in Oppeln, Düsseldorf, and Berlin, and
taught at the Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums (Higher
Institute for Jewish Studies). ..After the war, Baeck relocated to London,
taught at Hebrew Union College in America, ..became Chairman of the World
Union for Progressive Judaism. ..In 1955, the Leo Baeck Institute for the
study of the history and culture of German-speaking Jewry was established,
and Baeck was the first international president of this institute.

I have no idea if Rabbi Unna himself was or wasn't R - but the fact that the
R are publicing him definitely places him, WADR,  in the category of
'kabdehu vechashdehu".

And of course using his sevoros against the accepted psak of virtually all
recognised rabonim - midor dor - would, IMHO, be nonsensical.


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