[Avodah] Rabbi Isak Unna of Mannheim (was Re: Rav Unno)

Arie Folger afolger at aishdas.org
Mon May 14 05:20:25 PDT 2007

R'nSB asked for a translation of the following:
> Unna, Dr. Isak (geb. 1872 W?rzburg, gest. 1948 Jerusalem, m?tterlicherseits
> ein Enkel des "W?rzburger Raw" Seligmann B?r Bamberger): studierte in
> W?rzburg und Berlin, zun?chst Rabbinatsassistent in Frankfurt am Main, seit
> 1898 Klaus-Rb in Mannheim, seit 1920 3. StadtRb in Mannheim (1924
> KonferenzRb des Oberrats, Exponent des gesetzestreuen Judentums, seit 1932
> Vorsitzender der "Gesetzestreuen Rabbinervereinigung Deutschlands", schrieb
> ein Werk zur Geschichte der Klaus-Synagoge Mannheim), Sept. 1935 nach Erez
> Jisrael eingewandert, Autor einer posthum 1964 in Jerusalem herausgegebenen
> Sammlung rabbinischer Gutachten (Responsen).

Unna, Dr. Isak (born 1872 Wuerzburg, died 1948 Jerusalem, maternally a 
grandson of the "Wuertzburger Rav" Seligman Baer Bamberger): studied in 
Wuerzburg and Berlin, afterwards assistant rabbi in Frankfurt on the Main, 
since 1898 pulpit rabbi in Mannheim, since 1920 3rd city rabbi [probably 
dayan -- AF] in Mannheim (1924 conference rabbi of the Supreme Council 
[probably the Council of Jewish Communities of Germany --AF], a 
proponent/defender of the [religious --AF] law-abiding Judaism, since 1932 
chairman of the "Association of Orthodox Rabbis of Germany," wrote a work 
about the history of the Klaus Synagogue Mannheim [probably a kind of 
Yekkishe shtiebel --AF], emigrated to Eretz Yisrael Sep. 1935, teh author of 
a posthumously in Jerusalem published collection of rabbinic responsa.

Source: http://www.alemannia-judaica.de/rabbiner_baw.htm
Arie Folger

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