[Avodah] Child marrying against Parents' wishes

Daniel Eidensohn yadmoshe at 012.net.il
Sun Apr 29 15:53:07 PDT 2007

Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 24:25 the Remah says if a father protests his son's 
choice of wife the son does not need to listen to the father. This seems 
to be the accepted halacha. And this applies also to the daughter. [see 
Tzitz  Eliezer 15:34 Yabiya Omer 8 YD 22:1

The problem is when the parents view the choice as an embarrassment.

My question is what constitutes an embarrassment. I don't think there is 
no question if the desired spouse is in violation of halacha i.e., 
doesn't observe mitzvos. We see that from Avraham insisting that 
Yitzchok not marry a Cananaite women.

However if the potential mate is in fact observant but is  a baal tshuva 
or a ger. or a mixed marriage of American and Israeli or ashkenaz with 
sefardi? A litvak marrying a chasid? What about biracial? If the person 
is retarded or has Down's syndrome? What about ben or bas nidah? Former 
drug addict or alcoholic?

Does anyone know of psak in these types of cases?

Daniel Eidensohn

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