[Avodah] microphone on shabbos

torahmike at gmail.com torahmike at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 12:57:43 PDT 2007

Eli Turkel <eliturkel at gmail.com> wrote:
 <<<<<<<<In his most recent weekly shiur, Rav Asher Zelig Weiss expressed
himself about electricity in almost exactly the same terms as RMB does
here: the prohibition was determined first, and then the poskim looked
around for a category to fit it into.>>>>>>>

     There is a machlokes between the CI and the MB as to why  umbrellas on
forbidden on shabbos. The MB
suggests it may be Bona or Tikkun Kli when one opens it. The CI, however,
says it is an issur derabanan of Uvdah D'Chol.
     Uvdah D'chol, is basically a halacha that, according to the CI, is
really defined by the poskim of every generation. I assume this
is what R'Weiss meant(until i see his exact words) - not that there is a
blanket rule of poskim deciding first and asking questions later.
       R' Weber, a posek of neva yaakov, says that this(uvdah d'chol) is the
reason R'Chaim Ozer never bothered trying to analyze why
electricity is assur on shabbos. He felt that Uvdah d'chol should be
sufficient, and any attempt to analyze the technical deoraysa reason
might lead to people violating the uvdah d'chol.

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