Eli Turkel <<a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="mailto:eliturkel@gmail.com">eliturkel@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br> <<<<<<<<In his most recent weekly shiur, Rav Asher Zelig Weiss expressed
<br>himself about electricity in almost exactly the same terms as RMB does<br>here: the prohibition was determined first, and then the poskim looked<br>around for a category to fit it into.>>>>>>><br>
<br> There is a machlokes between the CI and the MB as to why umbrellas on forbidden on shabbos. The MB<br>suggests it may be Bona or Tikkun Kli when one opens it. The CI, however, says it is an issur derabanan of Uvdah D'Chol.
<br> Uvdah D'chol, is basically a halacha that, according to the CI, is really defined by the poskim of every generation. I assume this<br>is what R'Weiss meant(until i see his exact words) - not that there is a blanket rule of poskim deciding first and asking questions later.
<br> R' Weber, a posek of neva yaakov, says that this(uvdah d'chol) is the reason R'Chaim Ozer never bothered trying to analyze why<br>electricity is assur on shabbos. He felt that Uvdah d'chol should be sufficient, and any attempt to analyze the technical deoraysa reason
<br>might lead to people violating the uvdah d'chol.<br> Mike<br>