[Avodah] honey

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Mon Oct 30 11:32:18 PST 2006


TK: > Shimshon and Yonasan both ate bee honey.  Not a mistake,  obviously. 

From: R' Zev Sero:

>>Shimshon, yes.  But Yonatan?  IIRC, Metzudot David  translates it as
cane sugar; that's anachronistic, since sugar wasn't  introduced into
the Mediterranean until the early Moslem period, but the  Metzudot
would probably still say it was the sweet sap of some other  plant.<<

Rashi says, quoting Targum, that "ya'aros devash" is to be  translated as 
"kinim of honey."  Rashi understands the word "kinim" to  be something like 
"kaneh" -- cane, sugar cane.  Rashi even says "In the  language of Yishmael they 
call that sap/honey sukaria."
However, Radak explains Targum -- "kinim" -- to be saying that ya'aros are  
honeycombs, made of "kinim, kinim" -- many cells.  To me Radak is  obviously 
correct in this case.  
Metzudas Dovid says it's "honey that grows from kinim" but it is not clear  
to me whether he is saying it's honey from canes or honey from  honeycombs.
I don't know what problem in the pasuk would cause Rashi to translate  
"ya'aros devash" as anything other than honey.  See Shmuel I,  14:27.

--Toby  Katz

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