T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Sun Sep 8 09:15:14 PDT 2013

From: _cantorwolberg at cox.net_ (mailto:cantorwolberg at cox.net) 

>> It was told that the President of Argentina
in 1960,  Arturo Frondizi, met Roger Babson, famous statistician and 
founder of Babson  College.

In the course of their discussion, Babson asked the President  why South 
America, with all its 
natural resources, its mines, its rivers and  waterfalls, is so far behind 
North America. The President
replied with an  answer you will never forget. He said: "South America was 
settled by the  Spanish, 
who came in search of gold; but North America was settled by the  Pilgrim 
Fathers, who came in search of God."

What a powerful response!  <<

It is powerful and it does ring true.   Additionally, South  America was 
founded by the same people, Spanish and Portuguese  Catholics, who murdered, 
exiled and persecuted the Jews in the name of the  Spanish Inquisition.  
North America was founded by people, Puritans and  other G-d-fearing 
Protestants, who were in general philo-Semitic, who  believed in religious tolerance 
and who founded a country known for its  exceptionally benevolent treatment of 
the Jews.  America has been the  beneficiary of Hashem's promise, 
"Va'avorchah mevorchecha umekalelcha a'or" (Ber  12:2).

--Toby  Katz


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