[Avodah] How many Korban Pesachs could be sacrificed in 1 day?

Marty Bluke marty.bluke at mail.gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 22:57:11 PDT 2013

R' Sero suggested
> It's also possible, I suppose, that several chavuros would send their lambs
> with one shliach, who'd have to remember which was which, and shecht each
> one lesheim its owners.   Is one allowed to mark the wool of a korban with paint
> or something, so as to be able to recognise it afterwards?   If so, perhaps
> the shliach could just shecht each one lesheim its owners, whoever they happen
> to be, and then bring them out and the owners would each recognise and claim
> their own.

There are a number of issues with this.

1. There is no source for this. If this is how they were makriv the
korban pesach you would think someone would explain this.

2. How does marking the wool help? The Korban was skinned in the Beis
Hamikdash so after skinning how would the shliach identify the animals?

3. How would the shliach carry out the dead animals? How many dead sheep
can one man carry?

On 2/09/2013 6:11 PM, M Cohen wrote
> In addition, all of the emurim have to burnt before nightfall
> (from 1.2 million korban pesachs!)

R' Sero answered:
> No, by the next morning

Does that really help? Do you think that the eimurim of 1.2 million
animals could all be burned on the mizbeach even by morning?

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