[Avodah] How many Korban Pesachs could be sacrificed in 1 day?

Arie Folger afolger at aishdas.org
Wed Sep 4 03:26:08 PDT 2013

Another problem with 1.2 million Korbanot Pessach in a single day is
entirely of halakhic nature: we may not slaughter a KP for a single
individual, as that creates nossar. I do not know when is the last time you
say a sheep, but it is fairly vluminous, especially if we eat the achoraim,
which was a duty, since you couldn't sell korbon meat to a nokhri.##Since
it was to be eaten 'al hasova', we could count with at least 50-80 people
per korbon, possibly as many as 120.

If you have 1.2 million 'olei regel, you have about 12'000 korbonos, max

ketiva va-chatima tova,
Arie Folger
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