[Avodah] shavuot and YK

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Sun May 23 00:39:42 PDT 2010

<<A different question -- was the Torah received on Shavuos, or on Yom

Why are we celebrating zeman matan Toraseinu is we weren't ready to
truly accept it until the 2nd luchos -- on Yom Kippur? And don't chazal
say that the Torah associated with the first luchos was different in
kind, tht the whole concept of TSBP starts with the 2nd luchos? (R'
Chaim Brisker famously discusses this notion.) So the Torah as we have
is isn't even what was given on Shavuos!>>

I believe the Bet Halevi claims shavuot is when we received Torah
she-bichtav and YK when we received Torah She-be-al peh.
I think RYBS has a discussion extending this but I have to look it up

Eli Turkel

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