[Avodah] shavuot and YK

Simon Wanderer simon.wanderer at hotmail.com
Wed May 26 04:14:38 PDT 2010

RMB Wrote:<<A different question -- was the Torah received on Shavuos, or on



Why are we celebrating zeman matan Toraseinu is we weren't ready to

truly accept it until the 2nd luchos -- on Yom Kippur? And don't chazal

say that the Torah associated with the first luchos was different in

kind, tht the whole concept of TSBP starts with the 2nd luchos? (R'

Chaim Brisker famously discusses this notion.) So the Torah as we have

is isn't even what was given on Shavuos!>>


Indeed, Rashi on the mishna at the end of taanis says matan torah is YK
“shenitnu bo luchos ho’acharonos”.


I recall the suggestion that Shavuos principally celebrates TSBP – SA HaRav
says of staying up Shavuos night “ikar ha’eisek yihye b’TSBP”. This is
related to the point made earlier in this thread that the original Matan
Torah was the day after Shavuos:

-Moshe’s adding 1 day “mida’ato” is TSBP in action

-MA relates this to YT sheni, which on the surface appears a dochak.
However, the observance of this din derabanan is again TSBP-related.


BTW, the aruch hashulchan offer a beautiful interpretation of the MA. He
says that the Torah is of universal relevance and application. For this
reason the Torah doesn’t call Shavuos z’man matan torah, as it’s not right
to limit the Torah to one specific day. That’s the link to YT Sheni; the
Torah applies to Chutz La’aretz as well as Eretz Yisrael, just like it was
given in the midbar, not Eretz Yisrael.


Having written the last paragraph, it occurs to me that the Aruch
Hashulchan’s point boils down to the same thing. It is the inherent
adaptability of TSBP that means it can operate in all places and at all





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