[Avodah] responsa
Eli Turkel
eliturkel at gmail.com
Tue May 25 07:59:37 PDT 2010
[To give context, the question of who has been writing shu"t lately, and
in particular the next generation's "Tzitz Eliezer, Minchat Yitzchaq, IM,
or Minchas Shelomo" was raised on Areivim. -micha]
> How do you know which of the current young rabbonim will turn out to be
> those 'equivalents'?
Better question than I have an answer. Basically the first sefer we dont
know but after a while they establish a reputation. Others start with
at least an important position, ie head of an important bet din.
I main criteria is that the shutim deal with important current issues.
Bottom line Efraim is right it is hindsight.
Part of my "gripe" is that it is become more popular to just issue psakim
As an aside I am giving shiurim now on electricity and "dud shemesh"
The responsa that allow things go into great detail.
Rav Wosner who doesnt allow using the "dud" on shabbat doesnt address
the issues of those that allow it and after a short teshuva says there
is no need to go into detail.
Similarly with the electricity issue on shabbat(when other melachot
are not a problem) we have the original set of letters between CI and
RSZA. Later poskim who hold that it is forbidden from the Torah simply
state that and dont refute RSZA's arguments.
There is a relatively new set of seforim on shabbat - Orchot Shabbat-
in discussing electrical appliances on shabbat he basically ignores
the opinion of RSZA and brings shitot that one cannot add the use of
electricity on shabbat as a derabban as one part of a heter
I really feel that one see that koach hetera requires more work and it is
"easy" to write teshuvot that are machmir on everything
kol tuv
Eli Turkel
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