[Avodah] Roast lamb

Richard Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 20:33:56 PST 2008

On Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 5:39 AM, Elazar M. Teitz <remt at juno.com> wrote:

>     As for the prohibition extending to tz'li keidar, even though it isn't
> kasher for korban pesach: it's no different than beef or fowl, which are
> likewise not kasher for the korban, and yet are included in the minhag not
> to eat roasted on leil haseder.

Nice try but the gzeira his on ZLI regardless of WHAT is roasted!  [you can
make a case taht meat w/o a body is confusable!]

Zli Keidar is not halachically rosasting and AFAIK the  Magen Avraham is the
earliest sources to say ti is! I would back down if there were several
Rishonim who pointed this out.

The Aruch hashulchan pulls no punches, and baruch Shekivanti. My sarcastic
comments earlier on had to do with the fact that people today sometimes seem
to check their brains at the door and just accept what is written w/o
question.   this is waht Rav Gorleick just to eshew as 'frum Torah" kinda of
just saying Amein to waht is said w/o any internalization of the  principles
and concepts.

At Times I fell like I am the last of the old Litvisher-style analysts...

It is not just an Ashkenazic Sepharidc split on the issue of Zli.  it is
ALSO a split between Ashkenazic acharonim and Sephardim about how you kvetch
a humra to a Minhag!  I don't think Sephardim object to the minhag of not
eating Zli - how could they  it is in the Mishnah!  The point is they would
see Zli Keidar as a silly Ashkenazic contrived humra w/o rational purpose in
this context.  [this is what Sephardic hachahmim have said to me in person!]

And fwiw, I did NOT just jump on their bandwagon when they decried this
humra. Aderabba, I was quie defensive of the idea until I looked into it
myself and did a smidgeon of research, In Yoreh Die'ah it is obvious that
zli kediar is in no way Zli. and it is not yotzei Zli for Korban Pesach!
Only fater realizing that the obejctions to this humra on the Minhag held no
water [pun intended of course!] that I raised my objections.  B"H the Rauch
hshuclhan did the same about 100 years ago. And my other  point was it
should not require a GADOL to see the obvious.

If people want to be machmir upon themselves - Tavo Aleihem Brachah but to
codify this as halachah is imho an egregious abuse of Halachic reasoning.

My point is that people shouldn't be hypnotized or sleepwalk into these
matters. They should evaluate them- i.e. do the research and check the

Many humras make sense. Exmple: As Mashgiach I in theory can allow a Gentile
to light fires for RE-heating the already cooked. As a Policy, most
Hashgachos prefer to not let the Gentile light ANY fires. it's a humra that
is tiotally rational, you do not want the Gentils making hair-splitting
deidcsions in a busy kitchen so you make it a point to be machmir to make th
mashgiach light EVERY first -So this is not only a humra I can tolerate, I
heartily endorse it! But OTOH sometimes Humros do NOT make sense. Zli keidar
is imo such a case.

Kol Tuv / Best Regards,
RabbiRichWolpoe at Gmail.com
see: http://nishmablog.blogspot.com/
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