[Avodah] Roast lamb

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Fri Feb 29 06:47:52 PST 2008

A while back, R' Richard Wolpoe wrote:

> Roasting in a pot is not halachically roasting at all in
> Yorei Dei'ah even w/o any added water. [the meat will ooze
> its juices soon enough].

Some requested sources on this, and today RRW followed up with:

> Yep there is another source   The Aruch hashulchan. I saw it
> today and Baruch Hashem he was mechaven to my point!  <big
> smile!>
> Of course the Avodah universe should have genuflected to the
> infallible RRW first, but since people are not infallibe as I
> am, they needed PROOF.
> All kidding aside, it is sometimes a wonder why a good sevara
> needs a Gadol? ... Today's world [rigth and left] is so
> enamored with authors and not good Torah.  As I creep past
> middle age I was nostalgic for the good old Litvisher
> Rabbanim who were not enamored by NAMES but by quality Torah.

How does one judge a sevara to be good or not? I see nothing compelling about your argument that "even without any added water, the meat will ooze its juices soon enough". Maybe the juices is not enough? Maybe there's a shiur for how much liquid is needed to separate tzeli from bishul? And maybe that shiur differs depending on situation. For example, korban pesach vs. hechsher keilim vs. brachos -- we could very easily use a stricter definition for one and an easier definition for another.

THAT'S why we ask for sources. You can't simply decide on your own that your svara is a good one. What makes perfect sense to you might have some flaw that you didn't notice. That's why ideas are subjected to peer review.

For example, yesterday (in the thread "Sefer HaChinuch on why 2 weeks Nidah for a girl and only 1 for a boy") RRW wrote this:

> The Taz is LOGICALLY wrong!  Why? Because the mechabeir does
> NOT hold from Chaticha na'aseh neveilha besh'ar issurim. It
> provides a contradiction. The Shach is consistent with other
> examples of  measuring by the max [e.g. kachel] You do not
> have to be a gadol to see the sheverkeit in this Taz. It is
> apparent and many acharonim have noted it. This does not mean
> the Taz is not a Gadol or that he is ALWAYS wrong. But kabedihu
> vechashdeihu anyway. You cannot accept the Taz w/o analysis.

I'll repeat that last sentence:
> You cannot accept the Taz w/o analysis.

And we can't accept RRW without analysis either.

Which reminds me: Would you mind telling us where that Aruch Hashulchan is?

Akiva Miller
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