[Avodah] ashkenaz and sefard

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Sun Mar 2 11:30:00 PST 2008

There is a famous story that the community was of Mainz was destroyed because
that the time of the churban they did not properly mourn the destruction.

The trouble with these stories is that there is no historical basis to
claims that
the Ashkenaz community is that old. What others have mentioned is letters from
the kings of the holy roman empire inviting Jews from Luca italy to move
into Germany

kol tuv


On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Dr. Josh Backon <backon at vms.huji.ac.il> wrote:
>  >The usual claim is much stronger. That ashkenaz ie German Rhineland
>  >Jewry actually came there from Italy and that Italian 800 CE Jews came
>  >there from EY.
>  I came across a SHU"T Kol Mevaser II 42  that during the Churban Bayit
>  Sheni, HUGLU YEHUDIM RABIM L'GERMANIYA and quotes a Tshuvot haROSH
>  Klal 20 Din 2 and the Beit Yosef TUR YD 82:(Chachmei Ashkenaz have a mesora
>  from their ancestors Mi'YEMEI HA'CHURBAN).
>  So it's possible that Ashkenazim not only came via Italy but continued on to
>  what's now Germany.
>  KT
>  Josh

Eli Turkel

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