[Avodah] ashkenaz and sefard

Dr. Josh Backon backon at vms.huji.ac.il
Sun Mar 2 07:04:45 PST 2008

>The usual claim is much stronger. That ashkenaz ie German Rhineland
>Jewry actually came there from Italy and that Italian 800 CE Jews came
>there from EY.

I came across a SHU"T Kol Mevaser II 42  that during the Churban Bayit
Sheni, HUGLU YEHUDIM RABIM L'GERMANIYA and quotes a Tshuvot haROSH
Klal 20 Din 2 and the Beit Yosef TUR YD 82:(Chachmei Ashkenaz have a mesora
from their ancestors Mi'YEMEI HA'CHURBAN).

So it's possible that Ashkenazim not only came via Italy but continued on to
what's now Germany.



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