[Avodah] manipulating bodily energies

Richard Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 20:19:06 PST 2008

On Jan 15, 2008 10:32 AM, Micha Berger <micha at aishdas.org> wrote:

> On Mon, January 14, 2008 10:49 pm, R Richard Wolpoe wrote:
> : I simply thought I was re-inforcing the concept of Echad as in Shema
> : Yisroel - Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad. The MON in Monotheism is
> : simply teh Echad in the Shema
> : But if you want a dissertation on the Yichud of HKBH see the Kesser
> : Malchus of ibn Gabirol - recited by some on Kol Nidrei night
> Look. I don't say "Borkhuni leshalom" in Shalom Aleikhem.

Your missing my point. I am decrying the toaly liberal kula attitude wrt to
AZ as oposedt othe hihgly humra attitude re: say strawberries!  You cannot
be a medakdeik  and a good humra monger and allow multiple reshuyos.
Ho'omer modim modim meshatkin oso

halosches al mhamakah v'omer  "... ki ani Hshem Rofe'echa..." ein lo helke
lo'loma habbo. But many  "healers today do approiximately the same thing!
This is agaisnt Talmudic pricnipples period.

> : Nevertheless, WADR, isn't this a specious argument?  i.e. how is
> : attacking the attacker a defense? The fact that Reform does more
> : egregious things does not at all excuse Ortho's for condoning
> : questionalbe practices...
> But it does destroy the implied comparison between R's lack of
> shemiras hamitzvos and O errors in monotheism to point to a huge
> difference in the magnitude of R's intentional stance and members of
> O's masses who miss a subtle theological point.

I note a sense of I'm OK but Reform is NOT OK reasoning>
We O's are merely approving what's popular and since we are O's it MUST be
But R's are differnet therefore when they violate halachah yada yada yada.
The point of the R post was to reflect on what WE do wrong. not ignore our
aveiros by patting ourslevs on th prverbial back by saying but aftger all
we're frum so a little shituf her and a littlepoyltytheism ther and a
little  kishuf everywhere must be OK because after all we do it!
LH used to be OK on that basis before th chofetz Chaim!  Talk about a meis
mitzva!  Who would think that 'tofesie Torah lo yed'auni" would make the
Achdus of the eibishter an issue for the Children of Avrahm Avinu!  Then
Again read the nevi'im [ho'omirim Shaoom shalom v'eish Shalom!]

> While on the subject of supernatural forces, getting back to the
> subject line... Most alternative medicine theories are about physical
> claims -- whether or not they happen to be true, bad science isn't AZ.
> I have real misgivings about reiki, however.

If a Mom puts her hand on a crying baby to quiet her, she is also doing

> Ki (Chinese: Ch'i, similar to the Indian concept of Chakra or George
> Lucas's "the Force") could be taken to be a concept of how the
> universe works, entirely within the same domain (but a different set
> of answers) as physics. I could see it depending upon the teacher.
> However, the word "rei" means "hidden".
> SheTir'u baTov!
> -micha

Source?  Ithough Rei was  Universal of Divine and Reik i is using Divine
Using a magnifying glass to focus the Sun is IMHO about the same level of AZ

Reiki is about unblocking blocked life force that is choked off in the human
body by disease or  tension or psycholgical conflicts etc.  It's a lot like
improving circulation of the blood or improving slow digestions etc.  It is
simlar to Accupuncture or  Shiatzsu in manipulating varous energies of the
body which includes glands etc.

I do not know about advanced Reiki and it is possible that they invoke
'spirits" to help them.  That would be like locheish al hamakkah as above
Kol Tuv / Best Regards,
RabbiRichWolpoe at Gmail.com
see: http://nishmablog.blogspot.com/
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