[Avodah] What would a Torah government look like

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Thu Jan 24 11:52:06 PST 2008

Continuing my thought... A discussion of a non-messianic Torah gov't
would require my knowing the laws of zayin tuvei ha'ir much better
than I do. But there is a proxy notion for the executive branch
without a melekh or navi, and the rabbanim pick up the role (beyond
the BHMQ) that in an ideal world terumah would have freed up the
kohanim to do. Even without real musmachim, the judicial branch goes
on already.

I do not think beis din would try to impose shemiras hamitzvos on a
society that ignores them. As in the past, I would argue that that has
much to do with why Sanhedrin left har habayis. Previous discussions
with RSZ has left this topic at a standoff, but that's where my biases
are. When society is such that living among Jews can create a tinoq
shenishba, you get into issues of mutav sheyihyu shogegim, of trying
to avoid becoming a beis din "chavlanis" (which depends on whether
makos is included in that notion, or only misah), etc...

(BTW, why is the mishnah about a BD being called chavlanis at the end
of pereq Eidim Zomemim [Makkos 1]? What's the connection?)

SheTir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             One who kills his inclination is as though he
micha at aishdas.org        brought an offering. But to bring an offering,
http://www.aishdas.org   you must know where to slaughter and what
Fax: (270) 514-1507      parts to offer.        - R' Simcha Zissel Ziv

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