[Avodah] Roast lamb (from areivim)

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Sun Jan 20 12:39:42 PST 2008

In Avodah 25:27, R' Richard Wolpoe wrote:
> Pan roasted is considered cooked and NOT roasted at
> all in YD. IOW For all halachic purposes it is bishul
> mamash not zli 

In Avodah 25:28, he clarified that to read:
> Roasting in a pot is not halachically roasting at all
> in Yorei Dei'ah even w/o any added water. [the meat
> will ooze its juices soon enough].

I want to make sure I'm understanding you. Suppose a plain piece of raw meat was placed in a keli (such as our pots or our pans), without any water or oil or other liquid, and then that keli was placed on a stovetop, and the fire was turned on, and it was kept like that until the meat became fit to eat. Then it turned out that the keli had been a dairy one.

Are you saying that this keli can be kashered by hagalah, and that libun is not required?

If that's not what you mean, then please clarify further. If that IS what you mean, I do follow your logic, but it is quite a chiddush to me, and I'd love to see your source. (OTOH, I never really learned YD in depth, so it being a chiddush proves nothing.)

Akiva Miller
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