[Avodah] Roast lamb (from areivim)

Michael Makovi mikewinddale at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 09:50:26 PST 2008

>Now, just curious, but what
> does Rav Kook say about this?  He was a vegetarian IIRC and even held that
> vegetarianism is a higher spiritual madreigah than carnivorism?  I think.
> Does it say anywhere that when Moshiach comes and the lion lies down with
> the lamb, that we will all go back to Edenic days and all stop eating meat?
> And then what will be with the Korban Pesach, or with all the other
> korbanos?

Rav Kook was not a strict vegetarian - he ate meat on Shabbat. The
Beit El yeshiva website, somewhere in its Q&A, has something on this.
Rav Kook says that vegetarianism is higher, but not yet - only for the
future - see Nechama Leibowitz's extensive quotations of Rav Kook in
her discussion of Devarim's permission to eat meat of desire. Also see
Rav Kook's Midbar Shur (also in Eng trans.) on the topic of offerings
in the future - I believe he says that only the mincha will be
brought, in keeping with what we say after the Amidah.

> This reminds me of another only slightly related question that I've had for
> a long time:  what was the point of Hevel being a shepherd, and also, what
> was the point of Hevel sacrificing animals to Hashem, if they weren't even
> allowed to slaughter animals [and/or weren't allowed to eat animals] until
> after the Mabul?

Well, apparently korbanot weren't yet prohibited. In fact, Ramban I
believe it was, objected to Rambam's ta'am for korbanot, by saying
that Hevel offered korbanot long before avodah zara was around; surely
if korbanot were an issur, this would prove nothing, for Hevel would
be a sinner one way or another in offering a korban, and Ramban would
only prove that korbanot are not idolatrous per se, but Rambam could
still say that korbanot are a throwback to sinful times, even if not
avodah zara per se.

Hevel might have been a shepherd for the milk and wool.

Mikha'el Makovi

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