[Avodah] Chiyuv l'kabel gerim

Michael Makovi mikewinddale at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 02:40:33 PST 2008

On Jan 9, 2008 1:29 PM, Daniel Eidensohn <yadmoshe at 012.net.il> wrote:
> There are in fact several sources that there is a mitzva to convert
> non-Jews. The Zohar HaRakiya (#40) who views it as a subset of Ahavas
> hager and R' Yitzchok Barcelona. Rav Perlow discusses these in his
> commentary on Rav Saadia Gaon's Sefer HaMitzvos (page 294-295) in which
> he asserts that it is  a subset of Ahavas HaShem.
> There is an analysis of these views by Rav Menashe Klein (Mishneh
> Halachos (16:92). He rejects these views and assets that in fact that
> the mitzva is for the non-Jew to convert and we are commanded to assist
> him with his mitzva. This is also supported by Yevamos (48b)

So Rabbi Klein concludes that the gentile has a mitzvah to convert,
and we are to assist him by facilitating his conversion, but we don't
have a mitzvah on ourselves.

The problem is, since when does a gentile have a mitzvah to convert?
Isn't the whole idea behind dissuading would-be converts, that Hashem
loves gentiles as they are (if they keep their laws)?

So we know that we have no mitzvah to go out and seek converts. And I
find it difficult to say that gentiles have a mitzvah to convert.
That's why it seems to me that the chiyuv, IF there is in fact a
chiyuv (which is of course davka the point under discussion), could
(if a source is found) be for us to accept a sincere would-be convert
when he comes - the mitzvah is on us, when he comes; not on him, and
not on us to go out and find him.

Mikha'el Makovi

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