[Avodah] Kashering Corningware

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Tue Sep 19 11:39:42 PDT 2006

A comment R"D JBackon made on scjm led me to the mail-jewish discussion titled
"Glassware" <http://www.ottmall.com/mj_ht_arch/v45/index.html#VY>. In
mail-jewish v45i17 (in that thread), RYZ expands the question to include pyrex
and corelle. In v45i21, RJBaker cites R' Mordechai Tendler
<http://www.yu.edu/faculty/emayer/riets> on the question of tevilah of these
items (pyrex, duralex, corelle, corningware) -- WRT tevilah they are all

Lots of variations on the theme, but I still don't see an explanation of why
corningware doesn't have the same din of glass.


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