[Avodah] Kashering Corningware

Daniel Eidensohn yadmoshe at 012.net.il
Tue Sep 19 08:51:54 PDT 2006

Rabbi Heineman writes: 

Keilim/ (vessels/utensils) can be categorized into three /halachic/ 
groupings. Utensils requiring /tevila/ (immersion) with a /brocha/, 
utensils requiring tevila without a /brocha/, and utensils not requiring 
/tevila/ at all. Utensils require tevila with a /brocha/ when they have 
direct contact with food during preparation or meal time and are made 
from metal such as aluminum, brass, copper, gold, iron, lead, silver, 
steel, tin, or glass such as pyrex, duralex, and corelle. (Corelle, a 
form of glass, should not be confused with corning ware, a form of 
earthenware, which will be discussed later in this article.)


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