[Avodah] washing towels on chol hamoed

Gershon Seif gershonseif at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 26 07:18:26 PDT 2006

This past pesach a posek in my neighborhood (Rav
Efraim Friedman) was giving a shiur and said that it's
assur to launder hand towels on chol hamoed. We had
been doing otherwise for years and my wife was
surprised to hear about this. My wife just found in
the english version of Halichos Bas Yisroel
(Fuchs/Domby) where it says that it is permitted. The
footnote on the bottom says it's from SA 534 siman
alef (also citing MB 4)[it actually had a typo and
stated it was siman 537]

That siman says mitpichos yadayim are muttar to
launder on chol hamoed. But the misna brura there
quotes the Mogen Avrohom who says that nowadays we
don't change our mitpachos yadayim that frequently and
even if we have only one or two, that should be enough
to get by for the week.

Assuming that mitpachos yadayim are towels, I wondered
why the MB is saying that the laundry customs of the
MO, well over 100 years before the CC, whould
determine our laundry habits. And even if they were
the same for the CC, are they the same for us? And
what if my wife washes hand towels more than most
others? Do we say botlo daytah?

I spoke to that posek about this and he asked me why I
was so sure that mitpichos yodayim are towels for
drying hands. He learned that they were towels for
wiping off dirt. He also told me that he's spoken with
Rav Zucker who wrote the Chol Hamoed sefer and he's
pretty sure that's how Rav Zucker learned as well.

Anyone hear anything about this?

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