[Avodah] Movie Popcorn

Harry Maryles hmaryles at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 26 08:38:46 PDT 2006

--- "kennethgmiller at juno.com" <kennethgmiller at juno.com> wrote:

> Regarding popcorn in a movie theater, ...

This reminds me of a circumstance that ocurred in Chicago many years
ago. The CRC had certified several movie theaters as having Kosher
Popcorn. We movie goers were elated. We could now sit and watch a
movie while enjoying a bucket of delicious hot buttered popcorn.

That joy was short lived. Some of the more RW elements were aghast at
the idea that a Hechsher organization was providing a Hechsher for
food in an establshement that they considered Hashkafically
"Unkosher". To my chagrin the CRC succumbed to the pressure and
withdrew their Hechsher.

That raises a question. Is it appropriate to give Hechsehrim to food
in establishements that are by their nature controversial? What if
they are only controversial to a segment of the public? Is it OK for
one segmnent to put pressure on a Hechsher organization and thereby
deny those with different Hashkafos the pleasure of enjoying the
benefits of their Hechsher in an environemt that is OK for them? Why
after all, should the CRC be pressured into denying me movie popcorn?

Lest someone say that there is no such thing as Kosher movies, I beg
to differ. There are many movies produced each year that are geared
for children... cartoons and the like. There are also movies like
"March of the Penguins", a very successful movie. 

The bottom line is that if one segment can exert pressure this way
effectivly, the will of the few is then forced upon the many. Is this
right? Should the CRC have succumbed? 

I'm sure that had the CRC not given in to the demands of those RW
protestors their Hashgacha status would have been lowered in the eyes
of many on the right. And that would have been a blow to the relative
Achdus in Chicago vis-a-vis Kashrus agencies... something I support
and appreciate. But does that make it right? 


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