[Mesorah] רעמסס

Toby Katz t613k at aol.com
Sat Jan 13 23:28:19 PST 2024

 In a message dated 1/1/2024 4:52:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, mesorah at lists.aishdas.org writes: 
Almost forgot -Ramses in VaYigash was there before Bene Yisrael came to settle there.Ra'amses in Shemot - they built it... Aharon Gal201-414-7190
 >>>I'm sorry I'm getting to this two weeks late, but I was away from my home and my computer and just saw this now.  My apologies if someone else has already commented on it. Rashi on Shmos1:11 says that the Bnei Yisrael built Pisom and Raamses "chazakos uvetzuros le'otzar" meaning that although the cities already existed when B'Y arrived in Egypt, but B'Y made them into "arei miskanos" cities of storage.  Obviously Rashi was aware that the Raamses mentioned in P' Shmos had already been mentioned in P' Vayigash (Ber 47:11), as the region in Goshen where Yosef settled his father and brothers.  There is no need to assume that there were two different cities by the same name. I would add that it is really a stretch to say, as some have said here, that the shva under the ayin in one Raamses vs the patach under the ayin in the other Raamses implies there were two different cities Raamses.  Do you think Rashi didn't notice?  Who knows if the Egyptian spelling or pronunciation paralleled in any way our shva or patach?
--Toby--Toby Katzt613k at aol.com ============= ______________________________
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