[Mesorah] Another kleinigkeit - pausal forms in Shemot 20:9 and Shemot 20:12

Yitzchak M. Gottlieb zukigottlieb at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 17:18:42 PDT 2020

On Jul 2, 2020, at 16:18, Dov Bloom via Mesorah <mesorah at lists.aishdas.org> wrote:

> That is in contradistinction to Shemot 20:12 a few verses later , where the two sets of accents have different pausal forms: 
> lo tirtzach in the taam tachton is punctuated with  a patach, a conjunct form ( not a pausal form) because tirtzach is in the middle or a verse,  has a tip'cha and not an etnachta or sof-pasuk. 
> However , in the taam elyon for the same words, "lo tirtzach" is one dibur, and is treated as a single verse. Tirtzach has a sof-pasuk, and therefore gets the pausal form with a kamatz! 
> That is a great example of the close [historical] connection between the nikud and teamim. A change in the teamin, even for the same verse, drags along a change in the nikud. (The historical relationships between the nikud and teamim are discussed by Eliyahu Bachur (Levitas) early 16th cent.  in his Massoret HaMassoret.

While that is true in the Venice מקראות גדולות, Brueuer has a קמץ in both עליון and תחתון (see דעת מקרא and the תיקון קוראים חורב), as does the Leningrad Codex <https://archive.org/details/Leningrad_Codex/page/n90/mode/2up>.


Yitzchak M. Gottlieb
zukigottlieb at gmail.com

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