[Mesorah] Mevaracheicha

Aharon Gal galsaba at aol.com
Thu Nov 7 02:09:16 PST 2019

Bereshith perek 12 pasuk 3: "Va’avarcha mevaracheicha , umkalelcha aaor”.
There are nice peirushim why one is in plural and the other one is in singular; however, is it possible that both are singular?
“mevaracheicha” is Kethiv Malle? 
According to the Targum it us hard to tell, because to my undestanding “mevarchach” in Aramaic can be both plural and singular.
If we look at Parashat Balak, Bamidbar 24:9 it says “Mevarcheicha baruch”. sounds singular.


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