[Mesorah] Kimchi's rules

Danny Levy danestlev at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 11:32:01 PDT 2019

Further to R' David's clarification, I think that the following may be a
good example of a difference between a rule of dikduk and a masoretic rule.

One of the rules of trop (a masoretic rule by all counts) that is easily
verified by looking anywhere in Tanach (except for Sifrei Eme"t) is that
the mesharet of a tvir is a darga if the te'amim are separated by two or
more syllables, and a mercha if the te'amim are adjacent or separated by
only one syllable.  In this rule a shva na is counted as a syllable,
whether it is a shva na at the beginning of a word (e.g. Gen 15:7 and Num
17:11) or a shva na under a letter with a dagesh chazak (e.g. Num 34:5 and
Deut 1:30).
A shva after a Kimchi long vowel, however, is not counted as a syllable,
e.g in Ex 9:15 and 12:22.  Evidently the Ba'alei Hamesorah considered such
a shva to be nach.

Danny Levy

‫בתאריך יום ג׳, 16 באפר׳ 2019 ב-21:44 מאת ‪David and Esther Bannett via
Mesorah‬‏ <‪mesorah at lists.aishdas.org‬‏>:‬

> Methinks the time has come to clear up the discussion on Mosaret vs.
> Kimchi.
> All ba'alei mesorah before the Kimichis mention that there are seven
> vowels in Hebrew.
>  R' Yosef Kimchi, the father of, Radak made a serious change. He made ten
> vowels instead of seven.
> He did this by inventing five pairs of long and short vowels. kamatz and
> patach, tzeireh and segol, shuruk and kubutz, chirik and chirik rachav
> (with yud), cholom, and kamatz katan.
> All very logical, but non-existent before Kimchi. From these pairs, new
> rules  on d'geshim and sh'vaim appeared.  After a long vowel the following
> letter has no dagesh and the following sh'va is na'.  After a short vowel,
> the following letter has a dagesh and the following sh'va is nach.
> As these inventions were accepted, the rules if dikduk became different
> from the masoretic rules.
> Pesach kasher v'sameach
> David Bannett
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