[Mesorah] Kimchi's rules

David and Esther Bannett dbnet at zahav.net.il
Wed Apr 17 00:58:20 PDT 2019

On 04/17/2019 12:17 AM, rabbirichwolpoe wrote:
> makes more sense to say that Kimchi, rather than "inventing" anything, 
> systematized and made consistent what existed before him."

To me it seems that R' Kimchi saw the logic of having five pairs of 
vowels. If, as you say, they existed before him, how is it possible that 
the mesorah experts before couldn't see them and many stated clearly 
that there are seven vowels in Hebrew,

I agree that my term "invented" is a bit too strong. But, inventions are 
something new and ten vowels is certainly something new.  Where we 
differ is in the previous existence of ten vowels.

Pesach kasher v'sameach

David Bannett

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