[Mesorah] P. Metzora 14:6 Hash'chutah

Mandel, Seth mandels at ou.org
Wed Apr 10 12:47:51 PDT 2019

The masorah knows nothing about any difference between these vowels.  If there is a vav in the written  text, it has a dot in the middle; if there is not vav, it has  the three diagonally placed dots.  From the point of view of the Masorah, they are identical.

Rabbi Dr. Seth Mandel
Rabbinic Coordinator
The Orthodox Union

Voice (212) 613-8330     Fax (212) 613-0718     e-mail mandels at ou.org

From: rabbirichwolpoe <rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 3:43 PM
To: Mandel, Seth; Danny Levy
Cc: avodah at aishdas.org; mesorah at aishdas.org
Subject: P. Metzora 14:6 Hash'chutah

Hash'chutah is written AFAICT with the 3 dot "Qubutz" as opposed to the Shuruq with a vav

The Teis has no dagesh Hazzaq.

What is the best explanation for the lack ofbacdagesh in the Teis.

1.  We simply don't know
2.  Since shechuta usually has A Shuruq (vav) we read  it as if it were there.
3. Since The Masoretic text does not follow our rules of Diqduq, there is no reason to expect a dagesh in that Tes
4. Other?

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