[Mesorah] P. Metzora 14:6 Hash'chutah

rabbirichwolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 12:43:36 PDT 2019

Hash'chutah is written AFAICT with the 3 dot "Qubutz" as opposed to the Shuruq with a vavThe Teis has no dagesh Hazzaq.What is the best explanation for the lack ofbacdagesh in the Teis.1.  We simply don't know2.  Since shechuta usually has A Shuruq (vav) we read  it as if it were there.  3. Since The Masoretic text does not follow our rules of Diqduq, there is no reason to expect a dagesh in that Tes 4. Other?RRW
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