[Mesorah] Translation of the verb "yiv'al"

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Mon Feb 12 17:44:00 PST 2018

On 12/02/18 18:09, Micha Berger wrote:
> : See Yonasan, Rashi, Metzudos, Radak, all of whom translate it as
> : living together, settling down into the same home.
> Actually TY (and Rashi, who quotes him verbatum) could be euphamistically
> phrased, just like "living with" does today. (A couple of decades
> ago?) No mention of the noun "home". And the seifa of the pasuq is a
> word-for-word translation, not much help.

a) I don't think "living with" exists as a euphemism in Hebrew.  In fact 
  don't it even exists/existed in English; I can't remember ever coming 
across it used for people who are not in fact literally living together. 
When one says two people are living together one means *at least* just 
that.  They have set up house together, they are keeping a joint 
household. It used to be a reasonable assumption that two people of the 
opposite sex would never do this unless they were also doing other 
things together, so the former necessarily implied the latter, but it 
was never inherent in the phrase itself.

 > Radaq uses the word "yiv'al", which doesn't say much about translating.

Radak on the previous pasuk is pretty explicit that it means simply 
being married, being a husband, not being alone, and he cites Yonasan 
that it means literally to live together.

> Metzidas David: misyashvim yachad mibeli pirud. Live in the same home
> and never part, or intimacy without clothing separating them?

You keep stretching for something that will disturb the correspondence 
between the mashal and nimshal, when merely taking the meforshim at 
their word explains it perfectly.  The verb B`L means to live together, 
so we will live together with EY and will not be parted as we are now. 
Literally, with no metaphor.

Zev Sero            A prosperous and healthy 2018 to all
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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