[Mesorah] Fwd: [Avodah] Shva na

Zev Sero via Mesorah mesorah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Oct 27 21:43:31 PDT 2016

On 23/10/16 11:43, Mandel, Seth via Mesorah wrote:
> I believe that R. Zev Spiro is correct, that the shva na' markings in
> the Lubavitch siddurim have nothing to do with any Lubavitch minhag,
> but that at some point they hired someone to proofread the siddur who
> followed ZHanau (they could not have copied it from any non-Lubavitch
> siddur, since the marks are on things that are Nusach Lubavitch.

I just read that the original siddur from which the US edition of 
Tehillas Hashem was cut and pasted was the Nusach Ari version of Siddur 
Seder Hoavodah, published by the Romm house, and edited by the maskil 
Shmuel Feigenson.  Hebrewbooks doesn't have this version, but it does 
have the Nusach Ashkenaz version, and if you compare the typesetting to 
Tehillas Hashem it's clear that this is the original: 

Zev Sero                Wishing everyone a good aquittal
zev at sero.name

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