[Mesorah] Fwd: [Avodah] Shva na

Zev Sero via Mesorah mesorah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Oct 23 09:24:35 PDT 2016

On 23/10/16 11:43, Mandel, Seth via Mesorah wrote:
> I believe that R. Zev Spiro is correct, that the shva na' markings in the Lubavitch siddurim have nothing to do with any Lubavitch minhag, but that at some point they hired someone to proofread the siddur who followed ZHanau (they could not have copied it from any non-Lubavitch siddur, since the marks are on things that are Nusach Lubavitch.

Actually I think I recall seeing somewhere that they used a Rechicher 
siddur as the base for cutting and pasting for the American Tehilas 
Hashem; as an offshoot of Chabad, the Rechicher nusach was very close to 
Nusach Lubavitch.  But it was definitely a cut and paste job; in the 
older editions one can see the crooked lines where the job wasn't done 

Zev Sero                Wishing everyone a good aquittal
zev at sero.name

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