[Mesorah] Fwd: [Avodah] Shva na

David and Esther Bannett via Mesorah mesorah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Oct 23 00:33:18 PDT 2016

On 10/23/2016 04:38 AM, Micha Berger via Mesorah wrote:
> <<Anyone want to chime in on this>>

Okay, I'll add a bit.

R' Zalman Heneh (Hanou)  made "repairs" to the rabbinic Hebrew of the  
siddur, invented new kinds of sh'va,and other chiddushim.

The Gr"a opposed them.

R'Ya'akov me-Emden wrote and published a book, Luach Eresh, against his 
work and called him,. Instead of Heneh, he'ani ha-mit-dakdek among other 

As many Ashkenazim were completely ignorant of dikduk rules, they 
accepted the chiddushim of R' Zalman Heneh as fact and  they appear in 
many siddurim, grammatical works, e.g. Keset Sofer of R' Shlomo 
Ganzfried, etc.  Most modern grammarians, too, dismiss his chiddushim.

R' Zalman Hakohen's new type sh'va had nothing to do with the changing 
of sh'va' nachim to na'im that resulted from R' Yosef Kimchi's invention 
of the ten- vowel (five pairs) system.


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