[Mesorah] Vowels under YKVK

Mandel, Seth via Mesorah mesorah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Oct 10 11:04:16 PDT 2016

the letters of YKVK have no vowels whatsoever.  In the ancient Mss, there was just a sh'va under the yod where the chataf patach under the shem Adnus was prounounced (and no sh'va in the places where the chataf pasach was not pronounced, e.g. normally after the prefixes l- or b-), and a qomatz under the vav, where the dalet would be in Adnus (no cholam).
When the name was pronounced Elokim, they put in a chataf segol under the first letter and a chirik under the dalet, to distinguish them.
Since in both pronunciations there was a cholam, it was not necessary to use it in either case, since it did not distinguish anything.
Some scribes who were ignoramuses added the cholam, and the printers, who were also amaratzim followed them.

Rabbi Dr. Seth Mandel
Rabbinic Coordinator
The Orthodox Union

Voice (212) 613-8330     Fax (212) 613-0718     e-mail mandels at ou.org

From: Mesorah <mesorah-bounces at lists.aishdas.org> on behalf of Richard Wolpoe via Mesorah <mesorah at lists.aishdas.org>
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 1:55 PM
To: mesorah at aishdas.org
Subject: [Mesorah] Vowels under YKVK

I was chatting about Ha'azinu's HaLAdY and its Vowels

When YKVK is Read ADNY the first letter takes a Sheva
This "seem"s to represent the HATAF patach for ADNY

Yet when it is pronounced Elokim
The Yud gets a HATAF segol and not just a "sheva"

EG See Tehillim 140:8 Elokim (YKVK) ADNY

Why isn't the vowel under the Yud consistently with or without a hataf?

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