[Mesorah] Bemidbar or Bamidbar? A proof name

Michael Hamm via Mesorah mesorah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Jun 5 23:52:31 PDT 2016

R'Zev Sero:
<<On the contrary, the fact that that one *is* "Sh'mos" and not
"Sheimos" proves that "Bamidbor" is meant davka.   If it should be
"B'midbar" then it would be, just as "Sh'mos" is that.>>

I saw "outside" (as they say), in the name of the last Lubavitcher
rebbe, an explanation based partially on the fact that the parasha is
called B'har rather than B'har Sinay.  (Let's ignore, I suppose, the
fact that some *do* call it B'har Sinay.)  This implies that, at least
according to him, names are, indeed, as R'ZS says, davka.

Michael Hamm

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