[Mesorah] Bemidbar or Bamidbar?

Micha Berger via Mesorah mesorah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Jun 5 11:28:16 PDT 2016

The "correct" name of the parashah depends on textualism vs mimeticism.
If you have enough faith in our mimetic tradition, then you assume that
there is some reason why some parashah names are re-conjugated when the
word is taken out of context, and others are not.  The textualist would
just demand consistency, as he wouldn't consider minhag Yisrael as
sufficient evidence to assume the differences (Shemos / Behar vs
Bamisbar) are either intentional or meaningful.

_Tir'u baTov_!

Micha Berger             Here is the test to find whether your mission
micha at aishdas.org        on Earth is finished:
http://www.aishdas.org   if you're alive, it isn't.
Fax: (270) 514-1507                        - Richard Bach
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